我已经与基督同钉十字架,现在活着的不再是我,乃是基督在我里面活着;并且我如今在肉身活着,是因信神的儿子而活;他是爱我,为我舍己。 – 加拉太書 2:20
全部新旧约圣经都是神所默示无误的,是生命之道,是救恩的路,是我们生活与事奉的最高准则。 圣父、圣子、圣灵是三一永在的真神。 圣父,创造宇宙万物的主,是无所不知,无所不在,无所不能,是圣洁的,是公义的,是慈爱的,是永不改变的。 圣子,耶稣基督是神的儿子,为了拯救世人,道成肉身,由童女马利亚所生,担当世人的罪,死在十字架上,成就人与神和好的工作,埋葬第三天从死里复活,今坐在父神的右边,将来必再来,审判活人、死人。 圣灵,又称神的灵,祂的工作是叫人知罪,感动人悔改,住在信徒心里,引导信徒明白真理,赐能力使信徒成圣,做善工。 人是按神自己的形像造的,后因犯罪堕落,今唯有借着信,认罪悔改,重生得救,获得永生。复活後,接受榮耀的身体进入神国。
全部新旧约圣经都是神所默示无误的,是生命之道,是救恩的路,是我们生活与事奉的最高准则。 圣父、圣子、圣灵是三一永在的真神。 圣父,创造宇宙万物的主,是无所不知,无所不在,无所不能,是圣洁的,是公义的,是慈爱的,是永不改变的。 圣子,耶稣基督是神的儿子,为了拯救世人,道成肉身,由童女马利亚所生,担当世人的罪,死在十字架上,成就人与神和好的工作,埋葬第三天从死里复活,今坐在父神的右边,将来必再来,审判活人、死人。 圣灵,又称神的灵,祂的工作是叫人知罪,感动人悔改,住在信徒心里,引导信徒明白真理,赐能力使信徒成圣,做善工。 人是按神自己的形像造的,后因犯罪堕落,今唯有借着信,认罪悔改,重生得救,获得永生。复活後,接受榮耀的身体进入神国。
The entire Old and New Testament Bible is inspired by God, is inerrant, the word of life, the road to salvation. We hold it as the highest guidelines of our life and ministries.
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are the eternal triune true God.
God the Father, the creator of all things, is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, holy, righteous, loving, and unchanging.
God the Son, Jesus Christ is the Son of God, in order to save the world, the word became flesh, born of the Virgin Mary, died on the cross to bear the sins of the world, to reconcile men to God, was buried, and rose from the dead on the third day. Now seated at the right hand of God the Father, he will come again to judge the living and the dead.
God the Spirit, also called the Spirit of God, whose work is to convict men of their sins, and bring them to repentance, who lives in the hearts of believers, guides them into the truth, empowers them unto sanctification and good works.
Men were created in the image of God, later fell due to sin, now only through confession and repentance by faith, are born again into eternal life. The believer, after resurrection, will receive a glorious body into the kingdom of God.